Monday, September 26, 2005

Life back to Normal

Hi Everybody,

This week it seems like life is back to normal. I'm up and down to Indy a few times this week and Lynne is busy at work. Incidentally, this is a big week for Lynne and her research group. Her first graduate student (PhD student) will have his final examination. That is on Thursday and she is cautiously excited. It will be a milestone in her academic career and we also wish Adnan the very best of luck. He will do just fine.

Pat is still here and is currently making a second set of curtains for us. Whilst she is excited that she can help us, we are extremely thankful for the help at something I could not possibly do and Lynne would not attempt.

Anja is doing great as the pictures shown below can attest. She now enjoys her solid breakfast every morning and is like her daddy in that the plate is always cleaned before she is finished.

My Mum and Dad are currently on holidays in the Canaries. If they are logging on to get daily updates, we hope they are having a great time!!

Gary, my running partner must get a mention tonight. He informed Phil and I this evening that he "stubbed" his toe. He thinks that he may have broken it, or perhaps just cracked or jammed. Consequently, he is out for running this week (I think if he did not wish to run with us ... he could have just said!!!!).

Anyhow, this is the Monday report. We'll be back later in the week with an update.


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