With a little luck these musings will make it onto the blog, unlike last weeks efforts. The world cup started this week and it should be an interesting couple of weeks. We’re all looking forward to many great games of football. England got off to a good result yesterday, although they have yet to get off to a good start!!
Lynne has been away again all week so, Pat, Anja and myself have been fending for ourselves, quite ably I may add. She has been in Wisconsin all week but travels to the east coast today. She will be back Tuesday evening.
We have nothing but rain, rain and more rain here this weekend. Consequently, I found no better activity to amuse myself after all magazines including daily papers were read other than the manual to our new digital camera…things were desperate. Anyhow, two weeks ago you will remember me playing with shutter speed (without great success), this week it was the turn of the aperture settings and how it lends itself to good portrait photos. My shots below of Anja were the result of a few minutes playing this morning. Anja was not that cooperative so I had to make do with those. I’ll have lots of time to practice in the future.
Not much happening this side this coming week. It will be Pats last week before she returns to London.
Hope you all have a nice week.