Today we are heading into a holiday weekend here in the US, it's Labour Day. We are planning on relaxation and some meeting of friends etc. This evening Lynne and myself will actually go on a bike ride together. We have not done that in a while and we will just start out short since Lynne is still recovering. It's currently 80F, bright and sunny with little wind, it will be a lot of fun.
Anja is shown here with a pretty new dress that Granny Owens sent over recently. She just loves dresses!!
This blog is a means of letting our friends and family know how we are doing in West Lafayette, Indiana
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Anja Starts School
Anja started school on monday. Not real school of course since she is only two but we are putting her in a two mornings a week Montessori toddler class at the Montessori School of Greater Lafayette. Monday and Tuesday, 8.15am - 11.15am. Although Lindsay is very good at taking her to the mall for play and to the library for a number of activities, we thought a structured toddler class would add just another dimension. She really seems to like it so far although she has only gone twice.
Who Has Stolen All My Time ?
I know the concept is a bit of a cliché, namely a new baby arrives and the parents have no time left, well I'm starting to get the picture. This week in particular I seem to have no time to do anything, and I'm not doing the bulk of the caregiving!
The day starts at about 6am in order to get to work. I don't get home until about 6pm at which time it's time for dinner. After the dishes are done and a short walk around the neighbourhood it's close to 8pm and time for the night-time routine. All are in bed between 9 and 9.30pm to start again the next day!!
I realize that many others have it much more difficult than we do in terms of their support structures but having small children is not for the meek. Now most people out there with children already know this, it's a matter of when one comes to fully understand it. Furthermore, I know people indicated that it was more difficult with two than one and I was agreeing very politely but not really understanding. Now I do. Then there are those who have three, four and even more children. Well....
The day starts at about 6am in order to get to work. I don't get home until about 6pm at which time it's time for dinner. After the dishes are done and a short walk around the neighbourhood it's close to 8pm and time for the night-time routine. All are in bed between 9 and 9.30pm to start again the next day!!
I realize that many others have it much more difficult than we do in terms of their support structures but having small children is not for the meek. Now most people out there with children already know this, it's a matter of when one comes to fully understand it. Furthermore, I know people indicated that it was more difficult with two than one and I was agreeing very politely but not really understanding. Now I do. Then there are those who have three, four and even more children. Well....
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Isabel Effect
I can monitor the number of page visits to our Blog over time using Google Analytics. It's interesting and keeps me motivated. I'm more likely to continue writing if I know somebody out there is reading my drivel. So, many thanks to all of you who keep coming back, it does keep me motivated and I'm sure we will look back on these pages in years to come with interest.
Anyhow, we hover along at about 15 hits a day but when I emailed everybody the link last week announcing Isabel's arrival there was an obvious bump in the curve, The Isabel Effect.
Have a great weekend everybody.
Anyhow, we hover along at about 15 hits a day but when I emailed everybody the link last week announcing Isabel's arrival there was an obvious bump in the curve, The Isabel Effect.
Have a great weekend everybody.
Everybody Looking After Babies
Anja Continues with her Babies
Anja continues to be obsessed with looking after her own babies. This was extended to bath times this week since Michelle (our first nanny) came to visit with this waterproof baby. She was named Cinderella (remember DVD last week) and she has been getting a bath every evening this week.
I love the Bath
On wednesday evening, Isabel had her first real bath. Her Chord fell off earlier that day. She liked it very well at first but then the tears followed..
Present from Lynne's Research Group
On Sunday, a few of Lynne's research group came round to get acquainted with Isabel. They were also kind enough to get this huge present, a bike trailer. We'll be having lots of fun with that.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Kevin and Kaisa back from Sweden
You may all remember Kevin and Kaisa, our neighbours and friends who went on sabbatical to Sweden for a year. Well they returned this week and we had them over for dinner last night. It was nice to catch up on old times. I have posted pictures of their daughter Anna on these pages previously, but they now have another little girl, her name is Frida and is just 5 weeks old.
Anja and Anna seemed to get along OK after not seeing each other for over a year, shared ice-cream and "Baby Feeding" moments certainly seemed to help.
We are looking forward to seeing more of them now that they are back in West Lafayette.
Anja and Anna seemed to get along OK after not seeing each other for over a year, shared ice-cream and "Baby Feeding" moments certainly seemed to help.
We are looking forward to seeing more of them now that they are back in West Lafayette.
Anja Gets to Watch Cinderella
Yesterday Anja had a special treat, she got to watch her first real DVD. She has seen snipets previous to this but yesterday she was all excited when our neighbours lent us Cinderella. This is truly her favourite!! She was all excited and managed to sit through about 45 minutes with me before she lost interest!! I suspect there will be many requests in the near future for feature length viewing!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Hair Everywhere
Isabel had her first bath today. Not a real one yet, just a sponge bath until her chord falls off but she scrubbed up well. She was quite alert when I held her and was very willing to pose for everybody to see. She has the most beautiful hair. It is jet black, shiny, slightly wavey and no need to describe to you all how thick it is.
Yummy Tomatoes
Babies Everywhere!!
Right now it seems like our house is a nursery. That's probably because it is I guess. With our two girls, Ruby -Lindsay's little girl and all of Anja's "babies" it does feel like baby central indeed. The picture below will help you conjure up an idea of what it's like.
Anja was always this way but recently, and not surprising I suppose, is now constantly walking around with one of her babies wrapped up in a blanket. She is now also feeding them, just like Mummy does which is very cute indeed!!
Anja was always this way but recently, and not surprising I suppose, is now constantly walking around with one of her babies wrapped up in a blanket. She is now also feeding them, just like Mummy does which is very cute indeed!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Parents naturally compare their children, which I know annoys the children very much. I'm sure most people with siblings have heard something along the following lines "Why can't you be like X". I know my brothers and sister hated those very words!!
I guess as any new parent, we start off with great intentions and try not doing it. However, we have found ourselves doing exactly that at will over the last couple of days. Isabel seems to do things just like Anja did or very differently. This is obvious of course but it's the constant comparisons. Anyhow, we will of course try to refrain but let me indulge you all with this picture comparison. They will of course grow up to be very different in all aspects of their lives, which is very good, but at the outset they do appear to have had very similar beginnings!!
I guess as any new parent, we start off with great intentions and try not doing it. However, we have found ourselves doing exactly that at will over the last couple of days. Isabel seems to do things just like Anja did or very differently. This is obvious of course but it's the constant comparisons. Anyhow, we will of course try to refrain but let me indulge you all with this picture comparison. They will of course grow up to be very different in all aspects of their lives, which is very good, but at the outset they do appear to have had very similar beginnings!!

Life at the Moment!
Life at the moment is a blur between just plain old tired and exhausted. We can be in one of those two states at any one time. Isabel's first two nights were, well "active". This was due to the fact that she was constantly asleep during the day!! Yesterday we intervened to ensure she was a little more tired heading into the night and I think it worked. She spent a significant portion of the night asleep.
She was still up every 2-3 hours to feed of course, which means Lynne is still exhausted, but at least she slept between feeds. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, it just appears to be about 6 months away but approaching!!
Otherwise things are going great, she is very healthy, eating lots etc etc. Anja seems oblivious to the new arrival as does Daisy. They are simply getting on with life!!
Having Lindsay and Pat here during the day does help a lot, they take over the morning shift and Lynne and myself get some free time. Lynne sleeps!!
More later!!
She was still up every 2-3 hours to feed of course, which means Lynne is still exhausted, but at least she slept between feeds. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, it just appears to be about 6 months away but approaching!!
Otherwise things are going great, she is very healthy, eating lots etc etc. Anja seems oblivious to the new arrival as does Daisy. They are simply getting on with life!!
Having Lindsay and Pat here during the day does help a lot, they take over the morning shift and Lynne and myself get some free time. Lynne sleeps!!
More later!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Gran Helping Out
Pat is having a great time and we are glad that she is here to help.
Last night was a long one. Isabel clearly does not yet understand that night time is for sleeping and day is for being awake. We saw the small hand pass through virtually every hour last night. Pat was most helpful this morning at just after 6.00am and having spent most of the night up with Isabel, Lynne and myself were glad that Gran was able to look after her for a few hours. Although I did not wake again until 9.30am, Lynne of course had to get up much earlier to answer Isabel's call.
Last night was a long one. Isabel clearly does not yet understand that night time is for sleeping and day is for being awake. We saw the small hand pass through virtually every hour last night. Pat was most helpful this morning at just after 6.00am and having spent most of the night up with Isabel, Lynne and myself were glad that Gran was able to look after her for a few hours. Although I did not wake again until 9.30am, Lynne of course had to get up much earlier to answer Isabel's call.
These Girls don't know it yet, it will take a few years and perhaps even quite a lot longer than a few years but they will come to know, understand, rely on, fight with, hate and love each other very dearly!!
You will both read this blog many years from now girls, just know that your Mummy and Daddy love you both very much now and always will.
You will both read this blog many years from now girls, just know that your Mummy and Daddy love you both very much now and always will.
Paternity Leave
Monday, August 13, 2007
Isabel's First Day Home
Today has been exciting once again. Everybody is now at home and as I write all getting their beauty sleep!!
Not much else planned for the day other than relaxation, perhaps a stroll round the neighbourhood, but generally taking it easy. Lynne and I both explicitly remember the first night Anja was at home, we didn't get any sleep. She was very fussy and it was the first night we as new parents had her to ourselves. Anyhow, hopefully tonight will be a little smoother!
Many thanks to all for the well wishes and greetings. We'll try to get to you all over the coming week.
Not much else planned for the day other than relaxation, perhaps a stroll round the neighbourhood, but generally taking it easy. Lynne and I both explicitly remember the first night Anja was at home, we didn't get any sleep. She was very fussy and it was the first night we as new parents had her to ourselves. Anyhow, hopefully tonight will be a little smoother!
Many thanks to all for the well wishes and greetings. We'll try to get to you all over the coming week.
Still Mummy's Little Girl
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