Friday, December 11, 2009

Brooke, Our New Nanny!

You will have gathered that we recently had to change our nanny due to Kristina’s sudden, very unfortunate and very severe morning sickness. As her blog outlines, she is getting better with each day but it’s lasted over four months.

In any case, over the last eight weeks Brooke, our new nanny has being looking after the girls and started to become very much a part of the gang that we call our family. As with all our previous nannies, the girls adore her and very much enjoy her company. They were literally both lined up first thing this morning at the window, looking out the window and waiting for her arrival. It’s so reassuring as a parent to know that your children enjoy the company of those that look after them. Brooke is incredibly organized, always has numerous activities planned for each day, strict when called for and very calm and collected when needed, (despite the girls ability to infuriate both Lynne and I at times).

We are so pleased and happy to have Brooke and look forward to getting to know her and her family over the coming months. Today they made a gingerbread man and house!

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