Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to School and Another Dress-Up Parade

I trust you’re all having a relaxing weekend? There’s not a great deal to discuss form this last week, other than Anja returned to School and into first grade on Tuesday morning.  Isabel goes back to her school, the Lafayette Montessori School, this coming Tuesday.

Last night Laura and Emma stayed for dinner, it’s been a while since they were over and it was nice to catch up on how things are going. The girl’s put on a fashion show for us after dinner. They love doing this; they get dressed up in various outfits and do a little parade expecting me to photograph them (which I’m always very willing to do).

I’m off to Boston again this afternoon, leaving tonight so that I can avoid a 3.30am start in the morning to get there for a 9am meeting. It’s a very short trip; I’ll be back Monday night.

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