Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ebert Prize Winner

We're all terribly proud of Lynne today. Most of you know that she works in the Department of Industrial & Physical Pharmacy at Purdue University and her passion is her research. The fruit of any good research program is publishing the results of that research in the scientific literature. This year Lynne and her group reached a major milestone in terms of publications, she published her 100th paper. This is a big deal; many research professors will work a lifetime to achieve this, if at all.

It got even better yesterday when she was informed that she was awarded the 2012 Ebert Prize. The Ebert Prize is presented annually by the American Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science to the authors of an article published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences which describes particularly new, original, and novel findings that have a high probability of significantly impacting the pharmaceutical sciences.

It was for this paper:
Well done love, we’re all very proud of you.

1 comment:

Mark Nicholas said...

Great work, Lynne!